Eye of the Needle Ranch Championship Alpacas

Alpaca Impact...Allow them to impact your lifestyle

Rocky Mountain Cinnamon

Fine Fleece

Alpaca , Huacaya , Open (Female) |Proven |Medium Brown

AOA# 32073256 | DOB: 8/9/2011

Dam: Geline


Huacaya Open (Female) Light Fawn, Medium Fawn

AOA# 30900080 DOB: 5/11/200717 yrs
A Rumaki daughter, Royal Fawn granddaughter. Offer includes one additional breeding and male buy-back. Remarkably easy birth and ample milk supply (she could manage twins with no problems!)
  | AOA# 30900080 | Light Fawn, Medium Fawn

Crescent Moon's Propel

Huacaya Male Light Rose Grey

AOA# 31066952 DOB: 8/27/200716 yrs
This well bred MRG youngster has the capacity to "PROPEL" (pun intended) any breeding program he is associated with. His pedigree is stacked with some of the greatest names to ever reproduce in North America. The DNA of LEGACY, KRYPTONITE, RAYO DEL SOL, KIRWIN, CAMILIO, DANKO, and ROYAL FAWN all run through his veins! His boxy and very square frame are highly desirable on a stud as is his extremely fine and uniformed fleece. When referencing his fleece numbers, uniformed might be and understatem ...

with cria

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CINNAMON came into our herd this pasture year. Her fleece is exceptional and she is truly a beautiful brown female. A big girl with great conformation. Since Crescent Moon's Propel was at our ranch we decided it would be a perfect match. We have a beautiful male cria from this breeding (MF) and he is sold with his mom at side.
Purchase Terms

Currently we are offering up to 3 years NO INTEREST with 25% down,

Updated 7/14/2015